Jim Clemmer provides an overview of the key lessons learned from developing thousands of leaders. Many lessons are counterintuitive and challenge conventional thinking. But they’re build on a firm research foundation with proven, measurable results. Same Old Approaches = Same Old Results. Traditional development approaches fall woefully short on delivering those outcomes. Numerous studies report […]
Watch webinar »How many times has this happened to you? You FINALLY take the time (often not that much) to learn a skill or connect with an expert and wind up with time savings that pay back again and again: You’re struggling to find a shortcut in MS Word that you think will save time. After endless […]
Read post »Why the push for a coaching culture may be detrimental, and share two important ideas on how to use pull to create a coaching culture that can spark a cultural evolution.
Watch webinar »In the past four years the number of books on coaching available at Amazon has grown by 50% — from just under 30,000 to over 45,000. This reflects the growing understanding that effective coaching has a huge impact on individual, team, and organization performance. But this also shows there’s an overwhelming assortment of coaching theories, […]
Read post »Would you like to: Increase employee engagement by up to 8 times? Double/triple leader’s motivation to implement a personal development plan? Build coaching and leadership skills around natural strengths? Make performance appraisals an inspiring event people look forward to? Double rates of improvement from 360 feedback? Sounds farfetched, I know. It might even sound like […]
Read post »In this learning-rich and fast-paced 60 minute webcast Jim Clemmer outlines how leaders and coaches can go from good to great and deliver truly extraordinary results. Covering these topics in a short, condensed webinar is like skipping across ice bergs with so much more below the surface. Here’s where you can dive deeper below the […]
Watch webinar »Peter Drucker first advised building strengths in the 1960s and it became a constant theme throughout his work. In 1990 psychology researcher and professor, Martin Seligman, published his book, Learned Optimism, and launched the positive psychology movement. In 2001, Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton, their book, Now, Discover Your Strengths. I read, reread, and cited […]
Read post »Many managers see people as they are, and treat them according to what they see. Outstanding coaches, however, see people as they could be, and work to grow that potential. If you buy a little goldfish and keep it in a small bowl it will remain no bigger than a few inches long. Move that […]
Read post »Research from our database of 250,000 multi-rater feedback surveys shows huge differences in results produced by leaders rated as having the highest coaching skills. These include 8 times higher levels of employee engagement, over 3 times more willingness to “go the extra mile,” half as many team members thinking about quitting, and dramatically higher levels […]
Read post »Jim Clemmer delivers a fast paced and information-packed 45 minute webinar and answer 15 minutes of audience Q&A, outlining essential building blocks of leadership, coaching and culture development.
Watch webinar »“Research on the Dramatic Impact of Extraordinary Coaching Skills” shows that leaders who are the most effective at coaching have three times more employees that “go the extra mile.” When leaders add coaching to their existing strengths they are ten times more likely to become a top-tier leader. But as Aristotle observed, “with regard to […]
Read post »Have you ever experienced a leader who’s very strong at coaching and mentoring but doesn’t get results? People feel great working with him or her, but the job doesn’t get done. What’s the likelihood this leader would be rated in the top ten percent of leaders? How about a leader who is very good at […]
Read post »If you buy a little goldfish and keep it in a small bowl it will remain no bigger than a few inches long. Move that same fish to a large aquarium and it will double or triple in size. Put the goldfish in a large pond and it can grow up to a foot long! […]
Read post »A recent study by the International Coach Federation showed that strong coaching cultures are correlated with much higher financial performance. Companies with an above average coaching culture showed revenue 19% higher than all others in their peer group. At last July’s leadership summit Kathleen Stinnett delivered a keynote presentation on How to Create a Coaching […]
Read post »Developing coaching skills for today’s time-crunched leaders is a big challenge. As we’ve delivered The Extraordinary Coach workshop over the past few years we’ve been very impressed by how quickly participants shift their thinking about coaching and pick up new skills. A big part of the reason is the 4 Step FUEL model. This spring […]
Read post » FUEL is designed to achieve behavioral outcomes, challenge assumptions, and strengthen an adult-to-adult
partnering relationship between the coach and the coachee.
Read whitepaper »FUEL is a conversation framework adaptable to both behavioral and philosophical coaching needs designed to achieve behavioral outcomes, challenge assumptions, and strengthen the relationship between the coach and coachee.
Read whitepaper »There are many models and approaches to coaching skill development. Over the years we’ve worked with many of them and modified or developed a few of our own. As we’ve been developing Client coaching skills with the FUEL framework for the last few years we’ve seen striking differences from other coaching models and approaches. The […]
Read post »Many leaders find courageous conversations to give corrective or redirecting feedback very difficult. Emotions can get in the way, perceptions of the issue can differ widely, relationships may be damaged, and reactions can be volatile. Leaders may be scarred from past conversations where they gave or received tough feedback in a poorly structured and awkwardly […]
Read post »The research behind development of The Extraordinary Coach included looking at best practices in helping professions such as counseling, clinical psychology, and social work. Two practical lessons that apply to coaching effectiveness were focusing on topics of importance and interest to the coachee and asking for feedback at the end of a coaching conversation. When […]
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