Is your team or organization experiencing: High “snicker factor” about values Diminishing discretionary effort Rising absenteeism Turnover of top people Declining customer service Resistance to change Lower trust and teamwork Slipping quality levels Reduced health and safety These are symptoms of the cultural malaise or dysfunction many teams and organizations are experiencing today. How many […]
Read post »“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” These are a few lines of a poem penned by the metaphysical English poet, John Donne, around the time of Shakespeare. Community, interdependence, and oneness has been a central part of many ancient philosophies […]
Read post »Managers play the most important role in creating employee engagement. Building a mini-engagement survey into 360 degree feedback instruments guarantees that managers get personal, confidential data on which they can then take action.
Read whitepaper »The keys to increasing discretionary effort
Read whitepaper »“Managing the monkeys” so employees move from passing problems upward to taking more problem solving ownership. Where coaching fits in The Leadership Continuum.
Watch video »The impact of coaching skill development on employee engagement and satisfaction.
Watch video »Data showing the impact that leadership effectiveness has on employee turnover.
Watch video »Data showing the impact that leadership effectiveness has on employee engagement.
Watch video »My last blog “How Leaders Cause Their Direct Reports to Sink or Soar” gave examples and research on the power of expectations. The impact of teachers, coaches, parents, or manager’s expectations of the people they were leading on their performance has been well documented. “Leaders Have Great Expectations” reports on the pioneering work of Robert […]
Read post »Keys to Engagement, Leadership Development, Succession/Career Planning, and Coaching Effectiveness In this learning-rich and fast-paced 60 minute webcast Jim Clemmer outlines how to strengthen engagement, leadership development, succession planning, career planning, and coaching effectiveness in your organization. Our organizations desperately want and need much stronger leadership at all levels. But a torrent of studies show […]
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Watch webinar »No excerpt available.
Watch webinar »No excerpt available.
Watch webinar »Based on our experience, the majority of people view the performance appraisal process as a negative experience. Even those with the best performance ratings generally find the process to be a waste of time. Most people assign the process to the category of a "necessary evil."
Read whitepaper »Individual contributors make important contributions, yet they do it without carrying management titles that suggest high organizational rank, authority, or prestige. They influence and inspire others without being in roles of assigned leadership.
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What can a culture of coaching do for your organization? How about create a workplace filled with curious, creative and driven workers who have the ability to dramatically increase bottom-line profitability. In this interactive book, the authors offer practical, cutting-edge solutions to help your organization build and maintain a culture of coaching.
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After writing the best-selling book, The Extraordinary Leader, the question was often asked, “Which leadership competency is the most important?” The answer? “Inspires and Motivates Others to High Performance.” Readers will learn how to inspire, motivate and unlock the key to workforce potential.
View book/ebook/CD »A few weeks ago my blog post on “Talent Management: Developing Strengths of Individual Contributors” reviewed 4 key reasons for developing key individual contributors. It also provided links to our white paper “Individual Contributors: Building on Strengths is the Foundation of Success at Every Level“. Some highly professional individual contributors wield great influence and make […]
Read post »The Sochi Olympics show the colossal impact of key individuals on team success or a country’s medal count. Popular entertainers or professional athletes are glaring examples of the outsize impact that key individuals have on the success of a movie or sports franchise. Organizational success often hinges on oversized contributions from pivotal players like software […]
Read post »As the frenetic pace of organizational mergers, downsizing, and restructuring picks up speed, middle and senior managers are faced with career opportunities and major threats. A few months ago I coached “Sheila,” a manager who had been through our Extraordinary Leader development process. Sheila had been given 360 feedback from her manager, peers, direct reports, […]
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