Early in my career, I worked in a company led by an inspiring and emotionally intelligent CEO. He often said, “If you love what you’re doing, you never have to work again.” I loved that idea. Most of us hate work. It’s a four-letter word. Hard work is why I left our family farm. Whenever […]
Read post »Early in my career, I worked in a company with an inspiring and passionate CEO. He often said, “If you love what you’re doing, you never have to work again.” Love that concept! Most of us hate work. It’s a four-letter word. Hard work is why I left the family farm. Whenever a job started […]
Read post »You can’t impassion others about their work unless and until you’re impassioned about yours. Creating leadership energy is an inside job. The spark that ignites the leadership energy you bring to your team or organization comes from within you. But you can’t give energy if you don’t have it.
Read article »Drawing from Emotional Intelligence research on the inner dimension of leadership (Self-Awareness and Self-Management)
Watch video »Leadership is emotional. Leadership deals with feelings. Leadership is made up of dreams, inspiration, excitement, desire, pride, care, passion, and love. The areas of our lives where we show the strongest leadership.
Read article »Highly effective leaders are in love with the organization, community, or team that they work or live in. Their love is expressed in a deep desire to see that organization, community, or team grow to its full potential.
Read article »When our work is part of a deeper life calling we put our heart into it. Our work becomes our contribution to making this team, this organization, and this world just a little better because we passed this way.
Read article »There are no dead-end jobs, only dead-end people. Meaningful work goes well beyond what I do for a living, it joyfully expresses what I do with my living.
Read article »Developing a personal purpose that's aimed at serving others adds a richer sense of meaning to any personal change or improvement efforts.
Read article »Daily, or even just weekly, small stretches accumulate into powerful new habits and ever-stronger discipline muscles. Discover the Personal Improvement Planning approaches that can help you to avoid the pitfalls and pave your pathway to success.
Read article »Daily, or even just weekly, small stretches accumulate into powerful new habits and ever-stronger discipline muscles. Discover the Personal Improvement Planning approaches that can help you to avoid the pitfalls and pave your pathway to success.
Read article »There is no one best or right way to keep ourselves growing and developing. But, without a vision and the discipline to follow through, there can be no personal improvement.
Read article »Establishing goals and priorities, getting organized, and managing time is about balance. Discover the Personal Goals and Priorities approaches that can help you to avoid the pitfalls and pave your pathway to success.
Read article »Establishing goals and priorities, getting organized, and managing time is about balance. Discover the Personal Goals and Priorities approaches that can help you to avoid the pitfalls and pave your pathway to success.
Read article »There are no "success secrets." However, there are success systems, success habits, and success principles applied through discipline and persistence. Failure often results from following the line of least persistence.
Read article »People rally around passionate leaders with a compelling vision and purpose. Effective leaders generate action that comes from creating energy and transforming jobs into crusades, exciting adventures, or deeper missions.
Read article »I have come to believe that there is no one right personal time management and organization system. We all need to continue developing and refining the system that works best for our own quirks and preferences.
Read article »The world isn’t spinning any faster. But with the rapid pace of change, it often seems like it. New technologies and 24/7 connectedness make it harder and harder to keep up with demands at work and at home.
View book/ebook/CD »Looking back, we can all point to times in our lives that seem wasted. If we fail to continuously grow, change, and develop, then precious life is wasted.
Read article »Strong leaders harness the passion of the monomaniacs on their team to bring about change.
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