Dramatic Changes, Growth and DevelopmentSince The CLEMMER Group’s founding in 1994, business, organizational life — our world — has been dramatically changing. Our first programs and services were built around my just published, third book Pathways to Performance: A Guide to Transforming Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization. Over the next 15 years I wrote four more books that both grew from, and helped shape, our evolving programs and services.

Our biggest change came in 2012 as we formed a strategic partnership with my old colleague, Jack Zenger, and the ground breaking (and award winning) work his firm Zenger Folkman have pioneered during the past decade. In the past two years we’ve integrated ZF’s new science of strengths-based leadership and coaching development with our culture and leadership development. In January we hired Brad Smith as Director of Client Development to lead us to our next level of growth.

Tomorrow we publish our November issue of The Leader Letter. The lead item features the outstanding work of our Marketing Director, Julie Gil, updating, simplifying, and streamlining our web site. It’s structured around what have now become the three main pillars of our business. Click on any of the bullet points to explore these areas:

Customized Keynotes, Workshops, and Retreats

Development & Consulting

Zenger Folkman


Drop on by, do a little site seeing, and explore the topics that will help you, your team, and organization continue your growth and development.