
Zenger Folkman

In a recent large scale global survey of CEOs and senior executives 76 percent cited leadership development as important yet only 7 percent thought their organization was doing it effectively! No wonder we’ve got a leadership crisis!

There’s a blizzard of theories, opinions, arcane thesis papers, inspirational quotations, training programs, books, frameworks, and approaches to leadership. What’s sorely lacking is an integrated model that combines both “hard” management and “soft” leadership built on a base of solid research.

Extraordinary leaders are distinguished by the existence of strengths, not the absence of weakness.

Zenger Folkman is a strengths-based leadership development company helping leaders elevate their people and organizations. We focus on leadership because it’s the most powerful and direct means to an important end—improved results. Dr. Jack Zenger and Dr. Joe Folkman founded the company utilizing empirical data and behavioral evidence to show us the way.

Zenger Folkman has robust and proprietary research on the powerful correlations of strength-based leadership development with:

  • Employee Engagement, Morale, and Retention
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Sales Growth
  • Profitability
  • Innovation
  • Productivity
  • Health and Safety

Strengths-based leadership has deep and profound implications for personal, team, and organization development. ZF has managed to apply and advance the emerging science on emotional intelligence and positive psychology from philosophy or aspiration to implementation.

Almost without fail, once senior executives and HR/training professionals are walked through the research, methodology, and evidence-based road map to building on existing strengths they experience a big paradigm shift. Future generations will look back at our “training needs analysis” and dwelling on weaknesses the way psychology researchers now regard Freudian sessions of laying on a leather couch digging back into childhood experiences as useless and often harmful.

Click to delve deeper with strengths-based leadership resources

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Contact us to discuss building on the power of strengths-based leadership in your organization!