As 2012 winds down, ’tis the season for looking back at the year’s highlights.
Harvey Schachter reviewed dozens and dozens of business, leadership, and management books for The Globe & Mail last year. As I contemplate my ever expanding must-read book list I am in awe of how many books he reviews. Harvey’s either a speed reader or spends most waking hours with his nose in one book after another. If he’s still reading physical books, his library shelves must have disappeared years ago under Book Mountain. Recently he proved what an astute bibliophile he is by putting How to Be Exceptional in the top five of his top ten business books of the year!
The biggest highlight of the year for us at The CLEMMER Group was our new strategic partnership with Zenger Folkman. As I wrote in the September issue of The Leader Letter we spent an extremely busy summer getting up to speed on ZF’s powerful and very revolutionary strengths-based leadership approaches. This was followed by a very busy fall of webinars, presentations, executive briefings, Client meetings, implementation consulting, phone consultations, and public workshops.
We were quite impressed by what we first saw in ZF’s approaches and this was further reinforced by our attendance at their Annual Leadership Summit at Sundance Resort in Utah. But now that we’ve had months of hands-on work with these radical new processes and approaches, my high expectations have been exceeded. Almost without fail, once senior executives and HR/training professionals are walked through the research, methodology, and evidence-based road map to building on existing strengths they experience a big paradigm shift. Future generations will look back at our “training needs analysis” and dwelling on weaknesses the way psychology researchers now regard Freudian sessions of laying on a leather couch digging back into childhood experiences as useless and often harmful.
Strengths-based leadership has deep and profound implications for personal, team, and organization development. I’ve been an especially avid student and supporter of the emerging science on emotional intelligence and positive psychology. ZF has managed to apply and advance these growing fields from philosophy or aspiration to implementation.
Below is an index of blogs, articles, and webcasts we’ve published over the past four months. You can pick and choose what you’re most interested in, perhaps missed, or would like to pass along to others.
Overview of Strengths-Based Leadership Development System
- Strengths-Based Leadership Development System outlining the main differences of this approach, why we’re partnering with Zenger Folkman and Client feedback.
- Strengths-Based Leadership Development webcast with me, Jack Zenger, and Joe Folkman
- The Strengths-Based Leadership Development Revolution webcast for The Canadian Society for Training and Development
New Book
How to Be Exceptional: Drive Leadership Success by Magnifying Your Strengths
- How to Be Exceptional: Drive Leadership Success by Magnifying Your Strengths for my overview and review of this outstanding book followed by a few key quotations
- “Counterintuitive tips on how to be exceptional” for The Globe & Mail‘s review
- “Some books deserve a long life: The next Good to Great?” for The Canadian HR Reporter‘s review
- A free e-book drawn from the first chapter of How to Be Exceptional featuring video clips of Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman
- McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s site for a 40% discount on How to Be Exceptional
The Revolutionary Leadership Development Paradigm
- “Manifesto for a Leadership Development Revolution” outlines my big shift in thinking after 35 years in this field
- “Leadership Competency Models: Why Many Are Failing and How to Make them Flourish” this includes the catalytic power of building 3 – 5 strengths and how performance management practices need to change
- “Leadership Lessons from Evidence-Based Medicine” points to the need for a dramatic shift in leadership development toward evidence-based approaches
- “Leadership Development: Are you Trapped by Paradigm Paralysis?“
The Power of Focusing on Strengths
- “Thoughts That Make You Go Hmmm on … Making Strengths Productive (Peter Drucker)“
- “The Enduring Impact of Focusing on Strengths” featuring the story of a 7th grade teacher using a strengths-based approach
- “Building Organizational Muscle: Why Building Strengths Pay Greater Dividends than Fixing Weaknesses“
- “Positive Psychology, Strengths, and Leadership” shows the convergence of powerful research on how to shift from good to great
- “Is Your Culture Anchored in Strengths or Weaknesses?“
Cross-Training and Competency Companions
- “Leadership Cross-Training is Powerful and Revolutionary“
- “Competency Companion Development Guide to Cross-Training“
- “Powerful Combinations: Drive for Results and Builds Relationships“
The Power and Problems of Feedback and 360 Tools
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