Thriving in Turbulent Times Webcast
Dealing with the pressures brought about by constant change and uncertainty.
Topics covered:
- Thriving in Turbulent Times – There is no “getting through this crazy period.” We need to deal with uncertainty and develop our teams/organizations for constant change.
- Shifting Perceptions: Seeing Beyond the Obstacles to the Opportunities – Whining words of pessimism or winning words of optimism set our personal and collective energy fields which shape our reality.
- Change Choices: Lead, Follow, or Wallow – Three basic choices determine if we are growing or groaning. We may not choose what happens to us, but we all choose whether to step up and lead or slide helplessly into the swamp.
- Wallow Words: Ten Popular Excuses for Avoiding Personal Change – Wallowing in negativity and cynicism is deadly. The symptoms and root causes are often intertwined and accepted as normal or “being realistic”
- Everyone Must Lead: Leadership is an Action, Not a Position – We all need to lead regardless of our position or role. We need “leaderful” teams and organizations to move everyone upward to higher performance.
- Nine Steps to Personal Leadership – Inspiration is the beginning. Results come from applied action using a series of how-to and practical tips and techniques.