Jan 21 webinar with Jim Clemmer

Would you like to:

  • Increase employee engagement by up to 8 times?
  • Double/triple motivation to implement a personal development plan?
  • Build coaching and leadership skills around natural/authentic strengths?
  • Make performance appraisals an inspiring event people look forward to?
  • Double rates of improvement from 360 feedback?

What leader or development professional doesn’t want those results? But traditional development approaches fall woefully short on delivering these outcomes. Numerous studies report that 80 – 90% of senior executives are extremely unhappy with their leadership development efforts. That’s because they don’t work.

You don’t have to be Einstein to know you drive yourself crazy when you continue doing the same things, but expect different results.

Here are the same-old-same-old traps that lead to the same old results. How many ensnare and impair your development efforts?

  1. Leaders rarely get unfiltered, anonymous feedback on their effectiveness.
  2. Development focuses on fixing weaknesses or closing gaps
  3. Employee engagement levels not directly linked to the manger’s leadership effectiveness.
  4. No map or methodology showing how to leverage existing strengths.
  5. Little follow through on personal development plans.
  6. Leadership skills/competencies not weighted to the leader’s role and situation.
  7. Problem-solving discussions direct the coachee to solutions the coach thinks are best.
  8. Training, mentoring, and coaching mashed together.
  9. Coaches rarely plan and guide coaching conversations with a step-by-step framework.
  10. Coach jumps to solving the problem and giving advice.

If you’re going to shift leadership and coaching effectiveness, you need to use approaches proven to work. Why don’t senior executives and development professionals do that? A big reason is simply ignorance — they don’t know what they don’t know. Another reason is traditional thinking — we’ve always done it that way.

We became Zenger Folkman partners in 2012 because of their approaches to leadership and coaching development work. The Extraordinary Leader and The Extraordinary Coach have an evidence-based track record of boosting leadership effectiveness and strengthening coaching skills.

On January 21 at 1PM, I am delivering a webinar overview of the key lessons learned from developing thousands of leaders. Many lessons are counterintuitive and challenge conventional thinking. But they’re built on a firm research foundation with proven, measurable results.

Click on Powerful New Approaches to Leadership and Coaching Development for more information and complimentary webinar registration.

Stop the insanity. Learn how powerful new approaches produce great new results.