My Slides Now Available

The effectiveness of Learning and Development, HR tools and technologies, competency models, engagement programs, performance management systems, or succession planning hinges on the organization’s culture. Partial and piecemeal programs bolted onto operational practices are dramatically less effective than processes integrated into “the way we do things around here.” That culture ripples out from individual and collective executive team behavior.

This was the focus of my one hour presentation on January 28 at the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) annual conference this month in Toronto. My slides from this presentation are now posted at here.

The presentation covered:

• Identifying the Critical Difference Between Bolt-On Programs and Built-In Culture Change
• Assessing the Executive Team’s Leadership Effectiveness: Signs of Weakness
• Keys to Moving Executives from Lip Service to Leadership
• Building Frontline Staff’s Leadership Behavior
• Understanding HR’s Choices: Lead, Follow, or Wallow
• Six Key HR Practices to Build Stronger Cultures

Leading in Turbulent Times: Building Flexible and Resilient Organizations

Turbulent times create fear, frustration, and uncertainty. When these negative forces flood through the workplace, they often wash away morale and motivation. This can create “change fatigue” as organizations deal with:

• Continuous changes in leadership, direction, processes, and organization structure
• Relentless pressure to do more with less in meeting ever-increasing customer demands
• Accelerating cycles of new technologies, methods, and approaches
• A rapidly shifting workforce with a new generation of employees bringing different expectations
• Unceasing pressure to continuously innovate and grow in response to global competition

It’s impossible to predict where all this change is taking us. But one thing is certain – the pace of change is going to keep accelerating. And to thrive in turbulent times, organizations must change perceptions and behaviors to change results. Now – more than ever – everyone at all levels must be a leader. Everyone must embrace leadership as an action not a position. Leadership is how we behave not the role we’re in.