I have been using LinkedIn fairly extensively over the past few months. It’s essentially a professional or business version of Facebook. Facebook is a good way to stay in touch with family and friends. LinkedIn is an excellent tool to find past associates, Clients, workshop participants, or readers that I’ve lost touch with. It’s also a good way to share interests or help each other out through a few special interest groups I’m part of.

Click here if you want to view my LinkedIn profile. If you’re on LinkedIn and would like to connect, please send me an invitation. My blog feeds into my LinkedIn profile so this is another way you can be notified of my postings.

Like our web site, my LinkedIn profile is never finished and I am constantly updating it. One area I’d appreciate your help in is Recommendations. If you’ve had a positive experience in working with me, please post your comments there.

Recently I came across a LinkedIn “Reading List by Amazon” with very positive comments from a few readers of The Leader’s Digest. As I wrote to Sonal Sethi who linked with me and made this connection, getting this kind of feedback on my books is always energizing and provides the fuel to keep writing. I especially love to hear how my words have had an impact. She also added her comment to Amazon UK listing of The Leader’s Digest.

If you’ve enjoyed one or more of my books and we’re connected on LinkedIn, please add your comments or experiences with my work to the Recommendations section.