It’s finished! After six months of intensive research and writing I’ve sent the manuscript for my latest book, Growing @ the Speed of Change, to be typeset and printed. Of course, I’ll see page layouts and final proofs so many more times until I’ll clearly need some time off on a few long car cruises with the top down in the summer sun.

I’ve really appreciated Susan Chilton’s strong editorial skills – especially her headline-writing experience from her newspaper days – in adding powerful punch to the magazine-style format used in this book. Susan is Dave Chilton’s sister. For the past 20 years, Dave has been a good friend, an inspiration, and source of invaluable publishing advice (having sold over two million copies of The Wealthy Barber, he does seem to know a few things about the book business.) And we got another bonus with Bob Chilton (their father) applying his eagle-eyed proof-reading skills to the final manuscript. Since both Susan and Bob originally helped Dave with his book, I can only hope a bit of the Chilton magic has rubbed off here!

This is my best work yet and I’m extremely pleased and excited to be publishing my seventh book. In large part, it’s because I was able to draw from thousands of people who’ve influenced my thinking or contributed to my own life experiences. These include keynote, workshop, and retreat participants as well as Leader Letter readers. Some of their quotes, experiences, and perspectives are featured in Growing @ the Speed of Change. And after decades of practice I hope my writing is continuously improving.