As most of you know by now, I’m currently working toward the Fall release of my latest book, Moose-on-the-Table: Courageous Conversations in the Workplace. Last month I surveyed readers of Growing the Distance to get some feedback, and also see what new products and services would be of interest in the future.
One of the core principles I talk about at workshops and seminars is the importance of sharing results with those who take the time to participate in surveys.
So I’m happy to share the results and let you know exactly how I’m going to action them today, tomorrow and in the coming months.
The results are posted online here.
If you haven’t filled out the survey, I’m leaving the link active, so there’s still time.
I have to confess, I was surprised at how much interest there was in audio books and other downloadable media. As a direct result I’m going to create more downloadable content.
To start we recently launched:
- A completely downloadable version of my Growing The Distance: Self Study System, that includes e-book versions of Growing the Distance and the Personal Implementation Guide along with the multimedia guide.
- e-book versions of Growing the Distance and The Leader’s Digest.
- Furthermore, to reflect the reduced costs of not producing hard copies (and helping to save a few trees in the process), I’m offering all downloadable content at a 25% discount from the regular online pricing.
And this is just the beginning. In the coming weeks and months I plan to release additional e-books and develop more audio and video content. So stay tuned as I make it easier for you to get materials that inspire leadership in your team and throughout your organization!
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