“Embrace Change” is a useless platitude mouthed by someone who never really thought about its full implications or is a masochist. Many changes are impossible to embrace. This list might include loss of a relationship, loved one, health, job, money, and such.

We may not choose what adverse changes might suddenly spring upon us. But we always choose how we respond.

Whenever we experience a significant loss or major setback, we often experience the first few steps of the SARAA formula. Whether we successfully go through to step number 5 depends upon our choice of whether to be a Navigator, Survivor, or Victim.

1) Shock
2) Anger
3) Resentment (Pity City)
……………………………………Major Choice Point
4) Acceptance (Letting it rain)
5) Action (Navigating)

How do you get to stage #5 when dealing with serious loss or major catastrophes in your life? How do you help others get to stage #5?