Attracting and retaining top people is rapidly becoming one of the organizational issues of our time. And it’s going to get much bigger. Demographic trends clearly show a looming mismatch between the large number of people retiring in the next few years and the number of new people entering the work-force. Creating a magnet team or organization that pulls in the best people and keeps them loyal and emotionally engaged will be a huge strategic advantage in the increasingly fierce competitive battle for top people now taking shape.
Research shows that people join an organization and quit their boss. Seventy percent of the reason for someone quitting their job is because of his or her immediate supervisor — although he or she will often say it’s because of “better opportunities,” higher income, personal balance issues, and the like. That’s because he or she wants a good reference and doesn’t want to burn any career bridges.
The single biggest factor in the magnetic attraction of any organization is its leadership levels. Many organizational leaders pay lip service to leadership while doing little to strengthen themselves and other management staff on their team. Leadership levels of supervisors, managers, and executives will be woefully inadequate to thrive — or even survive — in the coming skirmish for top talent.
Let’s Get Practical
For almost thirty years, Jim Clemmer’s practical leadership approaches have been inspiring action and achieving results. His 2,000 plus presentations and workshops/retreats, seven best-selling books, columns, and newsletters are helping hundreds of thousands of people worldwide because they are inspiring, instructive, and refreshingly fun. And most of all…because they work!
Jim is constantly distilling his exhaustive research, extensive experience, and collection of best practices into easily understood, highly energizing, and practical applications. His workshops are so highly rated because they inspire action and provide concrete “how-to” steps that — when used as directed — dramatically boost results.
Workshop Menu
Each “Leading a Magnet Organization” workshop is tailored to the audience and organizational circumstance. Following is an overview of the main sections that Jim can draw from in customizing a session for each Client.
The Attraction of a Magnet Organization
The Performance Balance
For a brief overview of the material covered in this section click here and here.
Timeless Leadership Principles for Team and Organization Success
This section builds on Jim’s best-selling book, The Leader’s Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success and its accompanying Practical Application Planner. Leadership expert, Warren Bennis, enthuses, “If you’re looking for a book that illustrates the topic of leadership in a useful, readable and lively way, this is it.”
Depending upon the length and focus of the workshop, the process typically used starts with an overview of each of the following Leadership Principles. Participants then assess their team/organization. From here, small breakout discussion groups or the whole group (depending upon workshop size and objectives) review application exercises and brainstorm potential application ideas. The workshop usually finishes with participants setting practical action plans.
Focus and Context: Points of Origin
Responsibility for Choices: From Victim to Victor
Authenticity: Let’s Get Real
Passion and Commitment: All Fired Up
Spirit and Meaning: Matters of the Heart
Growing and Developing: All That We Can Be
Mobilizing and Energizing: Inspiring Peak Performance
Workshop Options
This is generally an interactive and inspirational session that reinforces or provides participants with an “edutaining” overview of the keys to leadership and magnetic organizations. A few assessment and application exercises may be selected on the basis of preworkshop discussions and customization.
Participants complete a greater number of the assessment and application exercises from The Leader’s Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success. Participants assess their overall effectiveness across the seven “Timeless Leadership Principles”. This helps determine which Principles they want to complete as a whole group or in small discussion groups (depending upon the key issues and number of people in the session). The amount of time and depth in each agenda area is determined by preworkshop discussions and customization.
Participants typically complete all assessments and application exercises in The Leader’s Digest: Practical Application Planner and may start selected ones in Growing the Distance: Personal Implementation Guide or organizational Transformation Pathways . They get deep into the key leadership issues and/or organizational issues that need to be addressed and develop detailed action plans. Key priorities, next steps, and follow-through processes are established.
Confidential Preworkshop Web-Based Assessments (Optional)
These assessments can be built around the questions in The Leader’s Digest: Practical Application Planner and/or Transformation Pathways. All or selected assessments (depends upon the half, one, or two-day version) are completed confidentially and anonymously by each participant before the session begins. Scores are tabulated and a summary report is brought to the workshop for discussion, prioritization, and action.
This option provides:
To view the Transformation Pathways assessment click here.
What Participants Gain From This Powerful Workshop