Resources: Books, ebooks, CDs
Failed communications are crippling workplaces across the globe – sapping energy from staff and weakening entire organizations. In this “edutaining” organizational fable, you’ll get realistic scenarios and solutions, showing how individuals and organizations should address issues that cost organizations millions or even billions of dollars in wasted effort every year.
View book/ebook/CD »The world isn’t spinning any faster. But with the rapid pace of change, it often seems like it. New technologies and 24/7 connectedness make it harder and harder to keep up with demands at work and at home.
View book/ebook/CD » If you’re looking for a book that illuminates the topic of leadership in a useful, readable, and lively way, this is it.
- Warren Bennis
View book/ebook/CD »What can a culture of coaching do for your organization? How about create a workplace filled with curious, creative and driven workers who have the ability to dramatically increase bottom-line profitability. In this interactive book, the authors offer practical, cutting-edge solutions to help your organization build and maintain a culture of coaching.
View book/ebook/CD »After writing the best-selling book, The Extraordinary Leader, the question was often asked, “Which leadership competency is the most important?” The answer? “Inspires and Motivates Others to High Performance.” Readers will learn how to inspire, motivate and unlock the key to workforce potential.
View book/ebook/CD »This breakthrough book (completely revised and updated in 2009) identifies the 16 competencies necessary for effective leadership. The authors have analyzed the responses of tens of thousands of peers, subordinates and more as they describe, “What makes a great leader?”
View book/ebook/CD »From the leadership gurus of Zenger Folkman, How to Be Exceptional provides a revolutionary approach to leadership development. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses and how to overcome them, it focuses on your strengths — and how to build them.
View book/ebook/CD »Managers keep searching for the sure-fire change and improvement path. But following the trendy and popular routes often lead them over a cliff or into dead-end canyons. Cutting through the buzzwords and theories, comes Pathways to Performance — a guide to help you, your team, and your organization blaze your own successful way to high performance.
View book/ebook/CD »A large — and growing — number of executives and managers now recognize that the quality of their future depends primarily upon the quality of the products and services their organization delivers. Producing consistently high service/quality demands a radical new closeness to customers and a level of employee/management, trust and partnership unlike anything most North American organizations have ever experienced.
View book/ebook/CD »There are countless personal and leadership development books full of jargon, fads, and buzzwords flooding the market. A bestseller, this is a book of “profound simplicity” that cuts to the essence, while being easy and fun to read. Although highly applicable to readers of Jim’s previous bestselling books with roles and titles like manager, supervisor, or executive, Growing the Distance is written for a much broader audience.
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