
Double Learner Motivation CSTD Conference

Thank you for attending Jim Clemmer’s session on Revolutionary Leadership Development That Doubles Learner Motivation at the CSTD Conference.

As promised, you can access the slides from Jim’s session here:
Double Learner Motivation – Jim Clemmer Presentation

You can dive much deeper into the concepts Jim touched on during the session at The Extraordinary Leader and The Extraordinary Coach public workshops in Toronto on December 10-11, 2014.

Ensure that your leaders and performers are extraordinary — and drive extraordinary results. Register to attend one or more of these powerful leadership development workshops today!

CSTD members and event attendees receive a special discount – save $250 on one workshop, or $350 for two workshops (2 days)

Use the promo code CSTD1 (one day) or CSTD2 (two days) on checkout to take advantage of the special pricing.

Register Now!

Click here for full details:
The Extraordinary Leader Workshop
The Extraordinary Coach Workshop

These are one-day, interactive, leadership learning, assessing, and planning experiences led by Jim Clemmer in:


Register Now!

The Extraordinary Leader

The Extraordinary Coach