Keys to Extraordinary Coaching
Strengthening coaching collaboration, and attributes of an extraordinary coach.
Watch video »Strengthening coaching collaboration, and attributes of an extraordinary coach.
Watch video »“Managing the monkeys” so employees move from passing problems upward to taking more problem solving ownership. Where coaching fits in The Leadership Continuum.
Watch video »Challenging and changing pre-existing beliefs and understandings that prevent us from being good coaches.
Watch video »How looking for coachee feedback shifts the relationship, changes perceptions, and increases coaching effectiveness.
Watch video »The 14 competencies differentiating the best coaches from the worst coaches. Coaching lessons from other disciplines.
Watch video »A brief overview of our four step process for more effective coaching conversations.
Watch video »Using a structure and checklist with coaching for better efficiency and outcomes.
Watch video »Seven common coaching traps and keys to overcoming them.
Watch video »The impact of coaching skill development on employee engagement and satisfaction.
Watch video »Reasons behind the coaching gap, our definition of effective coaching, how coaching is distinct from training or mentoring, and what gets in the way of coaching.
Watch video »How cross-training works to move strengths into profound strengths. Examples of cross-training to build on the competency of “honesty” and customization for safety leadership.
Watch video »How developing powerful combinations of competencies produce exponential results.
Watch video »Many 360s are focused on weaknesses and much less effective. 10 major components differentiating our 360 assessment system.
Watch video »BARD Access Systems’ experience with how performance appraisals are viewed after the organization focused on strengths, rather than weaknesses.
Watch video »Improving weakness only moves you to average or a little above. Profound strengths overshadow weakness in extraordinary leaders, unless there is a “fatal flaw.”
Watch video »The impact of not developing leaders and managers enough or early enough.
Watch video »Data showing the impact that leadership effectiveness has on employee turnover.
Watch video »Data showing the impact that leadership effectiveness has on employee engagement.
Watch video »Chart of the 16 competencies differentiating the best leaders from the worst leaders.
Watch video »Using empirical data to determine 16 differentiating competencies which clearly predict the best and the worst leaders – and outcomes -- by correlating key performance indicators.
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