Highly effective leaders energize others by noticing and recognizing the field of wheat. They thank, appreciate, recognize, and celebrate accomplishments. We all draw a lot of energy from sincere recognition and honest appreciation.
Read article »Effective coaches are masters at working with people to set the performance bar very high while aligning organizational, customer, and team needs with the individual's personal goals.
Read article »The behavior we get, in those who look to us for leadership, is often shaped by the picture we have of them. They become what we expect.
Read article »Feedback is central to learning. Faulty feedback is one of the biggest contributors to organization, team, and personal learning disabilities. If we don't know how we are doing, we can't improve.
Read article »Leaders demonstrate by their actions that people are the most critical factor in an organization's performance. That's why they invest heavily in growing and developing people.
Read article »Getting teams to share the workload and become more self-sufficient shifts the team leader's role and focus. Leaders spend much less time personally solving problems, and invest their time in making sure the right problems are being solved.
Read article »Successful entrepreneurs are leaders with vision who predict the future by inventing it.
Read article »Consistently held expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies. Leaders see people as they could be – as eagles in training.
Read article »Leaders know that poor performance is like a highly contagious disease. The longer it goes unchecked, the more everyone suffers.
Read article »Leaders treat each person in their organization as an individual with his or her own unique aspirations, strengths, and characteristics; and then work to put people in the best place for them to thrive and succeed.
Read article »Strong leaders harness the passion of the monomaniacs on their team to bring about change.
Read article »Today's highly effective teams have a broad ownership and participation in the team's tasks and how everyone works together to achieve them. Team members and leaders share responsibility for the effectiveness of the team. One of the best indicators of the strength of a team is the "We to Me" ratio.
Read article »A leader sees people as they could be, seeing beyond current problems and limitations to help others see their own possibilities.
Read article »Feedback can be destructive when it serves only one's own needs and fails to consider the needs of the person on the receiving end. Good feedback takes into account the needs of both the receiver and giver.
Read article »Goals define what you want to have, not what you want to become. Goals are, however, targets that help us immensely in moving from a general vision to a specific set of priorities and actions.
Read article »We need to be careful about what we wish for – the popular goals of security, stability, and predictability are deadly. The closer we get, the more our growth is stunted and learning reduced.
Read article »Unhappy and poorly served staff passes how they are treated to their customers. In today's workplace, a management style of pushing people around often pushes the highest performers right out the door.
Read article »Effective leaders understand the power of sincere recognition, genuine appreciation, and celebration. These are what provide the atmosphere of encouragement that develops confidence and builds on strengths.
Read article »Effective managers bring out the best in their people.
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