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Tagged with 'perceptions'

Thoughts That Make You Go Hmmm on…. The Slippery Subjectivity of Reality

My last blog post explored the endlessly fascinating and puzzling conundrums posed by quantum physics. This quirky science is really challenging our understanding of reality. What really is reality? Here are observations on the topic: “Reality: (noun) all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; ‘his world was shattered’; ‘we live in […]

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Grappling with the Science of Reality: Dreams, Illusions, and Perceptions

“Get real!” “You’re not living in the real world.” “That’s a pipe dream that’s completely out of touch with reality!” “Your delusional flights of fancy sound good but in actual fact…” “The reality of our situation is…” “Let me give you a dose of reality.” Anyone trying to stay positive and navigate these turbulent times […]

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