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Tagged with 'Larry Dossey'

What’s “Real” and What’s Virtual : Are We Creating Our Own Metaverse?

The term “metaverse” was coined in the 1992 science fiction novel, Snow Crash, as a combination of “meta” — meaning more comprehensive or transcending — and universe. A core component of the metaverse is virtual reality (VR). VR often uses headsets and motion controllers to create a computer simulated environment. VR is used for gaming, […]

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Change Choices: Creating Our Own Reality

The short video clip Lost Generation continues to be a big hit with keynote and workshop audiences as we discuss our choices to Lead, Follow, or Wallow when faced with challenging changes or setbacks. It features a poem written by Jonathon Reed for a “U @ 50” contest sponsored by the American Association of Retired […]

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Thoughts That Make You Go Hmmm on… The Mind/Body Connection

My last post reported on the fascinating new medical research on how our beliefs change our brain. I’ve long collected research on mind/body connections. Our tangible physical world is powerfully affected by our intangible thoughts and feelings. I found researching Chapter II (“Reality Check”) of Growing @ the Speed of Change to be especially intriguing. […]

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