Key Notes from My KeynotesAs the name implies, an effective keynote presentation condenses key ideas from broad topics to its core essence. Memorable keynote presentations that connect and “stick” with audiences spice these points with humor. This “edutaining” combination is powerful. It’s often one of the big differences between dry presenters strangling their audiences through “death by PowerPoint” and a seasoned professional speaker.

Leadership, culture, coaching, and personal, team or organization development are broad topics covering vast territory. A lifelong personal quest is boiling down overwhelming ideas and research (searching on leadership now yields 172,000 books at Amazon) to memorable, useful, and sometimes, humorous key points.

My recent post, “New Keynotes and Workshops to Motivate, Energize, and Inspire Leaders“, described our major summer project of reviewing, revising, and condensing the many custom keynotes and workshops I’ve delivered over the past few years into core topic areas and modules. Within each topic area we then condensed the core messages summarizing the key notes that audiences (and book/blog readers) have found the most helpful.

An example of this work is in the section on Leading @ the Speed of Change. This topic continues to be one of our most popular and frequently requested. Here are a few of its key notes that might resonate with you:

  • Shift Happens –  living in a world of accelerated and constant change
  • Change or be Changed – if the rate of external change exceeds our rate of internal change, we’re going to be changed
  • Which Lens on Our Camera – three critical choices that frame change as threats or opportunities
  • Explanatory Style – how we explain good and bad events creates our reality — and results
  • Culture Anchors – grounding our team/organization culture in positivity and strengths
  • Strengths and Shifts – what strengths can we leverage and what shifts must we make to move toward our vision
  • Everyone a Leader – building “leaderful” teams and organizations to foster change adaptive cultures

Based on dozens of key notes from many of my keynotes and workshops we’re now starting a new social media series of Key Notes from my Keynotes. These will be broadcast through Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+. If you’re not connected to me already go to the bottom of this post and let’s connect. You’ll then receive these key notes and other updates.

Too often a presentation is where the notes of the presenter become the notes of the audience without passing through the minds of either! May you find a few key note nuggets that inspire and illuminate your pathway to peak performance.

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