Last November I began delivering a series of half-day leadership development workshops (part of their ongoing "management forums" series) for City of Guelph supervisors and managers. This is a rare treat to work with a group of learning leaders just 30 minutes from my home in Kitchener, Ontario. Given our close proximity we pulled out the most relevant components of our two to three-day Leading @ the Speed of Change workshop and spaced them over a series of morning sessions. After building a base with our Lead, Follow, Wallow model and The High-Performance Balance, we systematically focused the remaining sessions around the Timeless Leadership Principles from The Leader’s Digest.
To summarize our previous workshops and to bridge over the summer vacation period until our next September session, the City’s Organization Development Specialists Aidan Prince and Kerry Pletch put together an excellent issue of their regular newsletter (I’ll admit to some bias here)! They’ve agreed to share it with you. The hyperlinks in the newsletter don’t work because they are part of the City of Guelph’s internal Intranet. Click here to access the 8-page summer issue of Leadership Link.
If you’re not familiar with my work around Moose on the Table (referenced in the newsletter) you can read an overview of the concept at Authentic Communication: Dealing with the Moose-on-the-Table.
Use Aidan and Kerry’s summaries of key leadership points, practical tips, and checklists to keep you growing along your leadership journey!
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