• Ensure you’re following the three keys to effective goals and priorities: 1) Follow-up; 2) Follow-up; and 3) Follow-up.
  • Continuously communicate how your strategic imperatives connect to your vision, values, and purpose.
  • Set goals and priorities from the outside (customers) in and help everyone see the big picture and where they fit in it.
  • Keep the “line of sight” from customers, external partners, and internal partners clear and strong for everyone.
  • Don’t allow your team meetings to be tyrannized by operational crises/issues at the expense of effective and regular goal deployment follow-up.
  • Ensure training, measurements, technology, human resources, restructuring, project teams, process changes, and the like are strongly connected to, and flow from your strategic imperatives.
  • Regularly review your meeting and decision making processes. Are you using your time well? Are the right people involved?